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facility request中文

用"facility request"造句"facility request" in a sentence"facility request"怎麼讀


  • 設備要求
  • 設施請求


  • Ss7 . telecommunications - signaling system number 7 - facility request to pivot
    電信. 7號信令系統
  • As wintry weather approached in november 2004 , bangkok initiates received news of the appalling conditions at the klongphai general jail and its special treatment facility in the siku district , nakorn ratchasima province . the sisters and brothers thus wrote to the heads of both facilities requesting permission to visit , provide vegetarian meals , arrange a video lecture , introduce meditation and distribute warm clothing and other daily necessities to the aging inmates
    2004年歲末天寒,曼谷同修獲悉位于nakorn ratchasima省sikiu區的klongphai一般監獄與特殊監獄的居住環境相當惡劣,便寫信給這兩座獄所的主管,請求入監探視,為年老的獄胞供應素餐安排錄影帶講座介紹靜坐,以及分發保暖衣物與其他生活用品。
用"facility request"造句  
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